Lunes, Enero 9, 2012

The Eight (8) Ingredients Success Motivators

Motivators can be said as an essential element-ingredient for attaining an ultimate success in every human endeavor. It is said by weight of authority in the field of academe and as by way of research both are unison in attributing the probability of success upon utilizing the same in the pursuit of every human existence. More so if the same be supplemented by other theoretical undertaking or better known as laws of men embedded in today’s world, which have been tested among great men and women in human history.  Quoted hereunder are the so-called eight success motivators which in incorporates the aforementioned laws of men:
1.    FAITH-  accordingly and as provided for by reliable men and women in history, there is no certain future for the individual who lacks faith; faith in himself; faith in others; faith in his community and faith in Heavenly Father. Faith therefore believes in the invisible forces of our Heavenly Father. It is the inspiration behind al great works of man. Above all, faith believes that ‘works of good’ will come to pass no matter what the obstacles.

If one believes that you are old enough to muster any problem and have total faith in your own capacity and ability to overcome the same, success is not far off. Strategic planning-maneuvering and set goals, and believes in them and you will accomplish if not able to pull off in the quandary.

A well known Psychologist William James declared, “There is but one cause of human failure and that is man’s lack of faith in his true self”. Faith gives power and actions to any desire you man have. The practice of faith in very self; faith in others; faith in your community-society and faith in Heavenly Father, brings health, joy-happiness and affluence. Faith is an attitude of mind, a special way of thinking, a deep inner conviction. Faith or lack of the same, is the determinant factor on whether or not success or failure of any endeavor.

The soundest wisdom to be found is in the famous quotation which indicates that faith moves mountains. That is to say, when you really believe and not just wish or hope for, your remove inner mountains of fear, frustration, tension and anxiety and leave the way clear for creative accomplishment.

So then, there’s no use of talking about success, hoping for it, dreaming on it, you have to apply real faith in your life and then, and only then, will you see your desires, dreams and aspirations bear fruit. Be it reminded that YOU are the product of your own belief. When you believe yourself to be inadequate you are telling your subconscious mind that you are a failure. When you believe I CAN, I WILL, then you do the same.  
2.    ENTHUSIASM- As the feeling of poet and essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson: every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it. Enthusiasm is a magical world meaning keen interest. Lack of the same has kept many a man from achieving success. It then also implies the difference between caring and not caring, between interest and disinterest. Many great speakers in the like of Pastor Quiboloy and Brother Eddie Villanueva to include Villarde, who captive audiences by injecting enthusiasm into everything they do.

Psychologically, enthusiasm is energy motivated. Energy is the capability for doing work. When a man works and plays he draws upon energy stored within his body. Apparently and as we then experienced on the same to the effect that as the degree we succeed in our individual work is measured by the amount of energy we then exerted.
Simple logic coupled with indigenous scrutiny indicates that energy that makes organizations move about, the same depends upon individual enthusiasm. Leaders with bright ideas and the ability to inspire high thought and action in others are the main generators of energy. Their individual brand of enthusiasm rubs off onto other people and inspires them to greater works.

Cosmic law has manifests that there are untapped sources of energy within a human being-in all of us. It said that when we tap our energy supply we become more dynamic, more productive and consequently more successful. That psychic energy combined with physical energy is a gigantic-mighty power that can elevate your present position in life and bring your increased income through expanded personal production and creative accomplishment.

Lord Thomson, the British press tycoon, says that any young man who wishes to become a millionaire today must have a complete determination and be enthusiastic about his desire to be rich and successful. Enthusiasm can be the turning point of nay idea. Once a task is backed with enthusiasm, that task is half done.
3.    DISCIPLINE- this motivator is a most important character trait to possess. Individuals need it as well as nations. Lack of discipline the world would totter. One of the evidences that discipline is a must to possess holds bearing on the armed flock  of Alexander the Great, as history said so, wherein they have successfully attained the primordial objective at that time and condition obtaining. Remember this; no army could march unless it was under discipline. Without discipline there is disorganization, confusion and failure.

More importantly, in possessing trait of discipline vis-à-vis human endeavor, you must do one thing at a time. Some of us seem to accomplish anything under the hottest sun. Work on many projects but all seem to falter and fail, this is due to the very fact that they do not tackle one undertaking at a time and see it through, which manifest lack of discipline.

In a humble submission, get your life organized in such a way that your time is used to the strategic advances which best and suitable in your end. Simply put, do the important jobs now, the trivial things later on since the same can wait. Handle and carry each job to completion, and to do this is to avoid confusion. Moreover, back your organized effort with faith, enthusiasm and integrity. And will remind you of the very fact that you will accomplish your goals twice as fast and you will be establishing a success pattern for future goals. Do one thing at a time and do it right.
4.   INTEGRITY- be it reminded that there is no short cut to success, considering that the same has a high price tag. The opportunities are there and the rewards are there but so are the demands.

In so stating success, and to succeed it requires getting along with people. It is a must to be working in a job-endeavor you love and to have knowledge to perform your work at top efficiency, and importantly you become involved in every facet of the said job-endeavor. Success practically means hard work, to work in excess-extra mile; the same is earned and is not a charity as any successful person will tell you. That, there is no such thing as something for nothing.

Unmindfully, some people attempt to attain riches by devious methods. While dishonesty might seemingly work advantageously for some for a while, it can never bring lasting success. You achieve success through the diligent application of your talents in an honest and fair way. Reminded that to do this is to ardently show that you have a sense of integrity.

Experienced will tell us that integrity is the key to a man’s character. To have a greatest character trait of all is to have integrity, which means you can be trusted, you can be counted on to come through in the clinches, you are honest in all your dealings and transactions, and above all there is purity and moral soundness about you as an individual.

Important is the very fact vis-à-vis employment, an employer wants to know that he is hiring individuals who are honest. If you cannot be trusted then you will never make it on the top. Surely as what we have had experienced, when others find that you lack integrity they will not deal or make transaction with you now and even in the future. Worth to note, you can control the attitudes and actions of others only if they respect you, and they respect you only when they know you have personal integrity.

No alternative for integrity, as it is the key to man’s character and essential for success. Plain scanning onto the lives of successful human creatures, the resultant effect will be that integrity coupled with knowledge and desire, equals success. Useless is the fact of having all of tons of attributes that make for success if in the end you lack integrity, for sooner or later this lack in a character of man will transport him to his knees and destroy all chance of greater things. That is in line with an antic quotation which says the wise man is the man who realizes early in life that honesty is the best policy, which he can go far with personal integrity but nowhere without the same.

With due recognition, I quote in here the statement of A.P. STANLEY: “Give us the man of integrity, on whom we know we can thoroughly depend; who will stand firm when others fail; the friend, faithful and true; the adviser, honest and fearless, the adversary, just and chivalrous; such a one is a fragment of the Rock of Ages.”    
5.    Strategic Mind Setting- war or any kind of conflict is waged and won through strategy. Think of strategies as a series of lines and arrows aimed at a goal: at getting you to a certain point in the world, at helping you to attack a problem in your path, at figuring out how to encircle and destroy your enemies, however, you must direct them at yourself.

Your mind is the starting point of all war and all strategy. A mind that is easily overwhelmed by emotion, that is rooted in the past instead of the present, that cannot see the world with clarity and urgency, will create strategies that will always miss the mark point.

Biblically, in Job 7:1 it says that “The life of man upon earth is warfare”. This war exists on several levels. Obviously. We have our rivals on the other5 side. The world has become increasingly competitive and nasty. In politics, business, even the arts, we face opponents who will do almost anything to gain an edge.

And to face up this all seemingly insurmountable life struggles to live up to, and the confusion that brings us, we need are not impossible and inhuman ideals of peace and cooperation but rather practical knowledge on how to deal with conflict and the daily battles we face. This knowledge is not about how to be more forceful in getting want or defending ourselves but rather how to be more rational and strategic when it comes to conflict viz competition, channeling our aggressive impulses instead of denying or repressing them.

Be it informed that strategic men operate much differently. They think ahead their long-term goals; decide which fights to avoid and which are inevitable, know how to control and channel their emotions.

According to Helmuth Von Moltke, Strategy is more than a science: it is the application of knowledge to practical life, the development of thought capable of modifying the original guiding idea in the light of ever-changing situations; it is the art of acting under pressure of the most difficult conditions.

Buy a book containing strategic guide and a similar literature which a distillation of the timeless wisdom contained in the lesson and principles of warfare. Better still read them all, absorb them, allowing them to become part of your mental arsenal.

6.   Conceal Your Intentions- it is easy and natural to always want to talk about one’s feelings and plans for the future. It takes effort to control your tongue and monitor what you reveal. Also many believe that by being honest and open they’re winning people’s heart and showing their good nature. They are greatly deluded. Be it reminded that honesty is actually a blunt instrument, which bloodies more than it cuts. Your honesty is likely to offend people; it is much prudent to tailor your words, telling people what they want to hear rather than the coarse and ugly truth of what you feel or think.

Strategically, by being unabashedly open you make yourself so predictable and familiar that it is almost impossible to respect or fear you, and remember this power will not accrue to a person who cannot inspire such emotions. 

By attaining success it is but necessary to seemingly apply if not follow some sort of established guidepost vis-à-vis strategies, and so quickly lay honesty aside, and train yourself in the art of concealing your intensions. Master the art and you will always have the upper hand.

Hide your intentions not by closing up (not with the risk of appearing secretive, and making people suspicious) but by talking endlessly about your desires and goals- just not your real ones.
7.    Win through your Actions; Never through Arguments- is any triumph you think you have gained/win through argument is really a meaningless victory. The resentment and ill will you stir up is stronger and lasts longer than any passing change of opinion. It is much more powerful to get others to agree with you through your actions, without saying a word. Demonstrate, do not explicate. 

The Arguer does not understand the words are never neutral, and that by arguing with a superior he impugns the intelligence of one more powerful than he. He also has no awareness of the person he is dealing with. Since each man believes that he is right, and the words will rarely convince him otherwise, the arguer’s reasoning falls on deaf ears. When cornered, he only argues more, digging his own grave. Once he has made the other person feel insecure and inferior in his beliefs, the eloquence of Senator Meriam Defensor-Santiago could not save the situation.

It is not simply a question of avoiding an argument with those who stand above you. We all believe we are masters in the realm of opinions and reasoning. You must be careful, then: Learn to demonstrate the correctness of your ideas indirectly.

8.   Plan All the Way to the End- you then know that ending is everything. Plan all the way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles, and twists of fortune that might reserve your hard work and give the glory to others. By planning to the end you will not be overwhelm by circumstances and you will know when to stop. Gently guide fortune and help determine the future by thinking for ahead.

Most men are ruled by the heart, not the head. Their plans are vague, and when they meet obstacles they improvise. But improvisation will only bring you as far as the next crisis, and is never a substitute for thinking several steps ahead and planning to the end.

There is a simple reason why most men never know when to come off the attack: They form no concrete idea of their goal. Once they achieve victory they only hunger for more. To stop---to aim for a goal and then keep to it---seems almost inhuman, in fact; yet nothing is more critical to the maintenance of power. The person who goes so far in his triumphs creates a reaction that inevitably leads to a decline. The only solution is to plan for a long run. Foresee the future with much clarity as the gods 0n Mount Apo and Kitanglad, who look through the clouds and see the ends of all things.

The words of Cardinal Richelieu has find resonance, logic and applicability: “Experience shows that, if one foresees from far away the designs to be undertaken, one can act with speed when the moment comes to execute them.”

More significantly, action without planning is aimless but planning without action is fruitless.

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